Well the weather has, at last, turned into something other than brutally hot and it’s lovely! We’re averaging mid 20’s at the moment, and long may it continue. Really not looking forward to the winter but, hey, take it whilst you can eh? You can see the effects of this change in the rapid work…
It has been nearly a month since she left and we all miss her terribly. I find myself getting emotional at odd moments or when my ipod plays a particular tune at the gym. The most embarrassing time was at Mercadona when I was putting mushrooms in the trolley. Mushroom and Halloumi skewers was the…
Home Alone
We’ve had a week of much cooler temperatures- down to about 32 each day – which has been a blessed relief for us and the village. It meant that we could go out a bit more in the afternoons and try to do two things; get Sonalee ready for her return to Morocco and to…
We made it. It’s unbelievably hot. The patterns of the days have changed dramatically in every sense but were grateful to be home because we thought we weren’t going to be allowed to leave Morocco… So we get to the ferry port to be surrounded by a range of cars and motorhomes from all over…
Going Home*
The phone call came out of the blue – do you want to get a specially arranged ferry to Spain next Tuesday? Yes! Yes! And so we are planning our trip home and trying to decide how to eat a fridge full of food before we leave. The excitement of it is tempered somewhat by…
Double Lockdown
With the end of Ramadan we thought that we might see a little bit of loosening of the restrictions that we face here in Rabat. Alas, it did not last long. A few days after we joyously bought some beer from the offy once again, we were faced with heavy artillery on the cliffs near…
Bindi is our youngest dog even though Luna acts like she is the one. She was named after the Indian forehead jewel because of prominent birthmark just above her eyes that shone out when she was a puppy. We took her and her brother together after Sonalee had been smitten by a video that the…
Lockdown 3
Another blog about one subject. Hmm. What to do? Well, we’re all playing the waiting game, I guess. The lockdown here is even tighter that it was. Now I have to take my permission paper into the supermarche where they stamp the date. Apparently locals have taken to going shopping simply to go and have…
Batten down the hatches
The lockdown of Morocco continues apace here and with no sign of restrictions being lifted soon. The authorities really are not going at this half-heartedly – quite the opposite. It is as if the kingdom has transitioned into full on authoritarianism with practised ease and an efficiency that others can only envy. I am allowed…
Hunkering Down
Well, that escalated quickly. Last Friday we were teaching as normal, go home and are then told that all schools will be shut. A week later we are told that we are on total lockdown and only one of us can go out to go shopping – we can still walk the dogs on the…